Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: STAR TREK: THE ACTION GAME Across the Nuetral Zone, beyond a baner of Negative Space WWW HEW YOSOW HO WOKOHA WOKWWZ DA & AOSZ JOW HEW KHOSH an alien race has constructed a gigantic humanoid machine . Within time, Several of these machines will exist. Theironly E T purpose is to destroy the Starfleet and bring forth the downfall E of the Federation! It is yourjob as Captain of the Enterprise to pilot your ship through the Neutral Zone and other trecherous M areas and destroy the only prototype of the "Manichine. " Good Luck SIGNED, ADMIRAL DREADNOT ENEMY DOSSIER : (INCOMPLETE!) KLINGONS: Nasty Suck Holest as they wanna be. INDESTRUCTIBLE! Will obstruct you M whenever possible Avoid at all costs, " PROVOKER: Trank Fightert MUCOz UNPREDICTABLE! Slow, yet annoying ASHHOZ HO B ASTEROIDS: Shoot ...